When used in the context of your diet, the words cleanse and detox are quite controversial. This is mostly because some commercial cleanses and “detox” products on the market are full of sugar and empty calories, thus essentially causing more harm than good. Similarly, your liver and kidneys are natural detoxifiers, so drinking and eating foods that claim to do the work of your body’s internal organs seems redundant and like a waste of time and money.

But toxins can be looked at through a few different lenses. Frank Lipman, founder and director of the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in New York City, tells The Cut that anything in the wrong dose can be toxic to the body. Toxins manifest themselves in the form of pollutants, chemicals, and even foods like gluten and lactose for those who are allergic or averse to them.

So while we may not have a high content of poisonous, harmful toxins floating around our insides (trust us— you would know and should see a physician stat, if so), there are components that don’t sit well with our bodies. These can stand to be eliminated from our diets as well prompted to be flushed out of our systems by drinking plenty of water.

That’s where detox water—or infused water—comes in. No, not sugary juices you’ll pay a cool $9 for, but fruit-, vegetable-, and herb-infused detox water recipes that may not completely rid your system of all evil but will kick-start your metabolism, support your liver, and deliver nutrients in a natural, unharmful way. Many are also packed with natural antioxidants to reverse cell damage. Plus, the influx of water and many of the anti-inflammatory ingredients will help de-bloat—a miracle component if we’ve ever heard one. Take a look at some of the best detox water recipes below.

Emily Roberts/BYRDIE

Cucumber Lemon Water

Wanderlust Drifted

Recipe courtesy of Nichola Whitehead, RD


  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1 lemon
  • A few sprigs of mint
  • Water


Wash and slice the cucumber and lemon, and rinse the mint. Place cucumber and lemon into a water jug. Fill the jug with water, mix, and leave to steep overnight in the fridge. You can keep topping off the jug with more water for a few days until you need to change the fruits/herbs.

What does it do?

Nutritionist Meryl Pritchard of Kore Kitchen says that lemons help to kick-start digestion while flushing out toxins. The vitamin C will also brighten up your skin.

Strawberry Basil Water

The Chriselle Factor

Recipe courtesy of Dr. Edward Group, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  • 10 fresh, whole strawberries
  • 2 lemon wedges
  • Freshly squeezed juice from 1/2 lemon
  • Handful of fresh basil leaves


Start with one gallon of purified water (room temperature is fine). Combine the other ingredients in a glass container, stir gently with a wooden spoon, and refrigerate for three to four hours to allow all ingredients to mingle. Serve and enjoy.

What does it do?

Strawberries are high in antioxidants, potassium, vitamin C, and many other nutrients, according to Group. Basil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Ginger Mint Water

Kitchen Confidante

Recipe courtesy of Edward Group


  • 1 cucumber, thinly sliced
  • 2 inches fresh, peeled ginger root
  • 2 lemon/lime wedges
  • 10 to 12 fresh mint leaves
  • Pinch of Himalayan salt


Same as above.

What does it do?

Ginger can be used to ameliorate a variety of ailments like an upset stomach and a sore throat because of its anti-inflammatory properties, according to Group.

Add a dash of peppermint essential oil to help ease digestive issues like bloating and nausea.

Mango, Lemon, and Pineapple Water

Avery Cooks

Recipe courtesy of Eat This, Not That


  • Cubed pineapple and mango (enough to fill 1/3 of a glass)
  • A few lemon slices
  • Water


Combine all ingredients and serve.

What does it do?

Pineapple is chock-full of bromelain, an anti-inflammatory enzyme. Mangos help improve digestion to help de-bloat and flatten your tummy as well.

Hibiscus, Basil, Lemon Balm


Recipe courtesy of Kokomo Private Island Fiji


  • Dried hibiscus flowers
  • A few sprigs of lemon balm
  • A few sprigs of basil
  • Water


Steep the hibiscus flowers, lemon balm, and basil in water overnight. Strain and serve chilled with ice.

What does it do?

“Hibiscus is shown to promote an estrogen-like effect, making it ideal for women with low-estrogen conditions such as poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and menopause. Low estrogen can reduce bile production from the liver, resulting in restricted absorption of dietary fats and abdominal discomfort. Basil and lemon balm are included to not only work on the nervous system to relieve stress, but are also used as carminatives to relax muscles and reduce symptoms of bloating and gas. This infusion is ideal for women suffering from digestive discomfort and stress.” -Kim Campbell, Kokomo’s Resident Health Practitioner

Seasonal Waters


Recipes courtesy of Mynd Spa‘s National Director of Body, Monique Blake



Cinnamon stick

Fresh Ginger

Fresh Turmeric

Lemon slices








Cinnamon stick

Cardamom pods

Orange slices


Steep all ingredients in water overnight, then serve.

What does it do?

According to Blake, “These recipes are based on Ayurvedic body types as well as seasonal changes. The purpose is to create balance for the individual and/or to create balance with nature. The Spring formula has lot of anti-inflammatory, warming and detoxifying ingredients; the summer formula has cooling ingredients that beat the heat and soothe the body; and the winter formula has sweet and warming ingredients to warm to the body.”

Ultimate Detox Water


Recipe courtesy of Mynd Spa’s Regional Director, Winta Alem


  • Mashed Fresh turmeric
  • Mashed fresh ginger
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Cinnamon
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Green tea powder


Combine all ingredients in a pot of boiling water, then serve.

What does it do?

Alem listed off all of the benefits of this recipe for us:

  • It is good for the functioning of the heart and it also lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Ginger boosts the overall activity of the brain and increases focus.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger and turmeric soothe muscles as well as tissues.
  • Moreover, it also helps with regulating blood sugar, blood pressure and aids the immune system.
  • Lastly, this tea is beneficial for weight loss as well.

hydy water bottle in white marble and cumulus grey

Hydy CinCin $43


This water bottle comes with a second cap, so you can infuse your water without worrying about fruit falling into your mouth.

Opening Image: The Chriselle Factor

This story was originally published on October 25, 2017, and has been updated.
