Detox water is great for losing because if you want to lose weight you need to drink water.

A lot of it.

You might end up drinking so much water that you start to grow gills. It’s crazy!

Over the past couple of years, people have started to catch on to the fact that they need to drink more water. Combine that with zero-calorie foods and you start to end up with detox waters.

What the heck is detox water?

The general idea behind detox water is that it helps to flush your body of toxins quicker than plain old water. You find healthy foods, toss them in water and drink.

Simple as that.

A great thing about these detox waters is that water by itself can get boring real quick. I’ve had times where I would drink plain water and it made me want to eat a candy bar just to get some flavor in my mouth.

Detox waters provide me with the flavor that I’m usually looking for and therefore preventing me from slipping up and eating something that I shouldn’t be touching.

Detoxification water allows you to enjoy delicious treats without sacrificing the figure you are trying to get.

Tastes great, lose weight.

1. Slim Down Detox Water

slim down detox water

A lot of detox waters start with cucumbers because it’s ideal. The diuretic properties that it contains help to guarantee that most of the moisture in your body will be flushed from your system as quickly as possible.

Throw in some grapefruit and you are provided with a little bit of tart flavor that is also packed with fat-burning enzymes.

This drink is also loaded with a ton of other citrus components that help to heal your digestive.

The final touch comes in the form of mint leaves that help to ease any stomach pains.

Just combine all the ingredients and let them sit for two hours before consumption.

Head on over to Skinny Mom for recipe details.

2. Watermelon Detox Water

First, how awesome is watermelon?

Really awesome is the only correct answer.

One of the great nutrients that it contains is lycopene. It’s a strong antioxidant that helps to decrease inflammation. There are also amino acids hidden in this juicy melon that help with blood flow.

I could definitely eat this on its own but why not combine it with some water to get the best of all worlds?

watermelon detox water

Head on over to Love and Confections for all of the recipe details.

3. Raspberry and Mint Scented Water

Raspberries are my favorite berries. Don’t try to convince me otherwise.

In this awesome water, we get to combine raspberry and mint. Two things with an amazing amount of benefits. The raspberries have cleansing properties while the mint helps relieve stress.

Combined you have a superhero flavor team that aids in both digestion and losing weight.

raspberry detox water

This awesome recipe comes courtesy of Sammy & Bella.

4. Detox ‘Spa’ Cucumber Water


I’m not sure who came up with the idea of putting them in water but that person is probably a millionaire by now.

If you go to a spa and they don’t have cucumber water then you aren’t at a spa.

Cucumber has a ton of rehydrating properties but because you want a bit more flavor than the vegetable provides you get to add some lemon and mint.

If you want to feel like you are a walking spa then make this water and carry it around with you.

detox spa water cucumber

Amanda at The Skinny Fork shows you how to put this awesome water together.

5. Sassy Water

Sometimes I feel like half of what makes a great detox water great is the name.

You know I had to include Sassy Water when I read about it. I don’t even care what’s in it, the name alone has me hooked.

But you might care about what’s in it so let’s discuss.

It’s almost the exact same water as the ‘spa’ water above but with a small twist: it has ginger.

You might think that adding some ginger isn’t going to change things much but ginger is one of the best herbs you can take while trying to lose weight. If I could put ginger in every meal I would.


sassy detox water

6. Strawberry Water

I’ve never met a human being that doesn’t like strawberries.

They are the Tom Hanks of food, everyone loves them!

Although this is called strawberry water there is a number of other fruits that you add to the mix.

  • Apples
  • Lemons
  • Oranges
  • Pears

Oh, did I forget to mention raspberries?

Oh, and of course, strawberries.

Wait, I’m forgetting something else…oh yeah, mint!

At some point, you have to ask yourself if you even need to add water to all of this awesomeness!

strawberry detox water

The wonderful Nancy brings the flavor with this water.

7. Strawberry, Lime, Cucumber, and Mint Water

Without a cool name, you know this water better bring some good flavor.

It does.

If it seems like you just need to start with water, mint, and cucumber for your detox water then you are correct. That’s a great foundation and you simply build on top of that.

Adding any type of citrus fruit is going to do wonderful things to your body considering the amount of Vitamin C and antioxidants that citrus contains.

strawberry lime detox water

You can thank Cassie at Wholefully for this kick ass concoction.

8. Watermelon and Mint Detox Water

Watermelon? Check.

Mint? Check.

Really what else do you need?

watermelon and mint

Much love to Eat. Drink. Love. for this one.

9. Detox Iced Green Tea

Time to mix things up and throw tea into the mix.

Tea leaves are a great source of antioxidants that flush out all of the toxins from your body.

When you combine that with some other powerful ingredients you produce a super drink.

detox iced green tea

Skinny Mom slides back in with this awesome recipe.

10. Grapefruit, Orange, and Cucumber Detox Water

Grapefruit makes an appearance. I’ll admit that grapefruit on its own is a bit too strong for me but when you throw in some orange and cucumber then it makes everything alright.

Not only is grapefruit packed with Vitamin C but it also has Vitamin A. You and I love Vitamin A. Vitamin A helps to reverse adverse chemical reactions to drugs and other unexpected events.

If you think harmful agents stand a chance with this water then you are kidding yourself.

grapefruit orange cucumber detox water

Love this drink? Thank the Sits Girls.

11. Lemon Berry Flush Fat Spa Water

Raspberry lemonade.

I’m not sure there is a better drink in the world.

Unfortunately, great lemonade is always packed with sugar. Remove the sugar and you are left with something amazing and healthy.

This is another one of those spa drinks that make you feel like you are pampering yourself by doing absolutely nothing but drinking this detox water.

lemon berry detox water

Always Keep These Handy

Detox water recipes aren’t any good to you if you don’t make them. Instead of waiting till you are thirsty you should prepare one of these recipes and let them sit in the fridge for a bit so that the water soaks up all of the nutrients of the added ingredients.

Plus, if you are having trouble drinking enough water throughout the day it can be motivating knowing that you have something delicious waiting for you.
